Latest Episodes

Tackling Unemployment and Reoffending with Nicole Dwyer
In this insightful episode, Nicole Dwyer, CEO of Workskil Australia, provides a comprehensive overview of their initiatives supporting disadvantaged job seekers. The organization's impact...

Spirited and Soulful Community Development with Peter Westoby
Join us for an enlightening conversation with Dr. Peter Westoby, Director of Community Praxis Co-op, as he shares his innovative "spirited and soulful" approach...

Building Sustainable Communities with Sandy Pitcher
This week we are joined by Sandy Pitcher, Chief Executive at The Department of Human Services! In this podcast, Sandy Pitcher, Chief Executive of...

Finding Your Voice with Katrina Ryan
This week we are joined by Katrina Ryan, Voice Specialist and Voice Lecturer at Flinders University! Katrina Ryan, a voice educator and former jazz...

Growing Community Spaces with Jeremy Hurst
This week we are joined by Jeremy Hurst, Co-founder and CXO of SpacetoCo! In this podcast, Jeremy Hearst, co-founder of SpacetoCo, discusses how his...

Sustainable Strategies for Not-for-Profits with Andrea Petersen
This week we are joined by Andrea Petersen, Founder and Director of Not-for-Profit Accounting Specialists (NFPAS)! Andrea highlights the challenges facing not-for-profits, emphasising the...