This week we are joined by Rebecca Plummer, CEO of JusticeNet SA!
Together we discuss the amazing work done at JusticeNet SA, providing free (Pro Bono) law services for those in need. With $1.2 million worth of legal services provided for free in the last year, JusticeNet SA help those unable to afford legal services regarding migration, bankruptcy, homelessness and more.
Rebecca provides insight on the cost of living crisis and the impact it is having on individuals ability to obtain legal services. Furthermore, we discuss the ability Community Centres have to connect members in need of free legal services with JusticeNet SA, how the legal industry is evolving and the JusticeNet SA annual fundraiser, the Walk for Justice!
This week we are joined by SAHMRI’s Professor Tim Hughes and Executive Director Maria Makrides. In this episode, Professor Tim Hughes discusses his research...
This week we are joined by Tomas Passeggi and Paul Sekfy! In this podcast, we discuss the crucial role of local engagement and global...
This week we are joined by Martin Walton from Lutheran Care!In this podcast, we delve into Lutheran Care's role within the 'Community Connections' program,...